Horchata & Company - Tigernut Importer Specialist Canada

We specialize in the import of Spanish tiger nuts to Canada with the certificate of Origin. We also produce and supply natural tiger nut milk (Horchata) for juice bars, coffee shops and restaurants. Horchata makes for a refreshing vegan beverage, is 100% gluten and lactose-free.

Proudly 100% Natural
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The tiger nuts

Yellow Nutsedge, Tigernut Canada

What are tiger nuts?

Considered a superfood, the tiger nut has been around for 4.000 years, you can find them as yellow nutsedge, tiger nutsedge or earth almond. The scientific name is Cyperus esculentus lativum. The tiger nut has been used for many centuries and is still popular today around the world.

With a flavor reminiscent of both coconut and almond, they can be eaten freshly dug out of the ground, or roasted, boiled, or juiced.

What can I do with tiger nuts?

Thanks to the versatility of the tiger nut it is possible to produce tons of things with this amazing tuber, from a vegan beverage called Horchata or tiger nut milk that is a perfect substitute for lactose intolerance, to flour to bake cookies and muffins, to extract oil from them and use it to cook or for beauty treatments.

Vegan Drink, Tigernut Milk Horchata